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Entry no. 1015
3:12 am on Sunday 19/8/2007
IP Address:
Message:it's 3.16am and I have a lot on my mind. Tom - from next week you will be able to text me on the old mobile number, don't have yours anymore.

Entry no. 1014
9:49 pm on Saturday 18/8/2007
IP Address:
Latest Reading Material:All the entries on this guestbook since I was last here.
Hobbies:Eliminating surprisingly small amounts of spam.
Message:Hi everyone! Haven't looked at this guestbook since I moved out in February (except once from a distance when Stu loaded it up) - so, um, I'm back. Anyone miss me?

Phil - Am really touched that you used things I've said to you in your arguments! I know you'd already told me you'd done it, but it's different actually seeing it. Can't really explain why, but it means a lot to me.

Josh - Regarding my site not recognising Vista - not surprising, but I will try to fix it when I find time! Thanks for letting me know! As for Facebook, why would I want to join it? I mean, what does it offer that I can't already do? Just wondering, 'cause I remember Phil trying to talk me into joining MySpace, but I could never see any reason for doing so.

Adam - Regarding my guestbook's display stuff - the guestbook is basically a text file, each entry being a line. The code counts the number of entries in the file, then displays the last one, then the next to last, through ten iterations. The next page just does the same with a -10 applied - pretty straightforward, really. At least, I think that's how it works - I did write it several years ago!

Rachel - Have some heavily-belated sympathy! I was wondering why I hadn't heard from you for so long...

Entry no. 1013
9:12 pm on Thursday 9/8/2007
IP Address:
Message:Snark? what's that? hey, everyone needs a moan every now and then!

Entry no. 1012
11:21 am on Sunday 5/8/2007
IP Address:
Latest Reading Material:His Dark Materials
Hobbies:Badger juggling
Message:Sympathy? Nah. Snark is much more endearing.

Bite me. Stop moaning.

Entry no. 1011
3:35 am on Saturday 4/8/2007
IP Address:
Hobbies:staying awake
Message:Sheesh. It's 3.39am, I have had a nightmare, have a cold and can't sleep. Sympathy please.

Entry no. 1010
5:23 pm on Thursday 2/8/2007
IP Address:
Hobbies:being swamped by kids
Message:Eh? am confused .... i left a long message a few weeks ago but it's not here....

anyhow folks please note my new email address, also my mobile was nicked 2/3 weeks ago and has not been replaced so don't bother with it! if you want to get in touch email me or ring my landline - Tom has it I think.

love ya all!!


Entry no. 1009
3:54 pm on Monday 16/7/2007
IP Address:
Latest Reading Material:Nora Roberts Self Made Man
Message:I joined Facebook about 4 years ago but never used it. My account is still active so I'll mosy on over and do something with it.

Entry no. 1008
4:23 pm on Friday 13/7/2007
IP Address:
Latest Reading Material:Microsoft Technet
Message:Hi Tom and everyone else, have you joined Facebook yet? It's great. Josh

Entry no. 1007
7:20 pm on Monday 2/7/2007
IP Address:
Hobbies:reading letters - but i haven't been able to do that because no1 has written to me. (Boo Hoo)
Message:Hey ppl. greetings from yankee land. jus thought i'd drop a message 2 say hi 2 everyone and i would to recieve letters from u. the address is. YMCA Camp Carson, 2034 East Lake Road, Princeton, Indiana, USA 47670

Entry no. 1006
12:26 am on Saturday 23/6/2007
Name:Chris Brayshaw
IP Address:
Latest Reading Material:ISEB
Hobbies:Building little model cars
Message:Hi Guys,

Just a quick post to say that if anyone of you who still reads this would like to get in touch, please add me to your MSN. Just use and we can have long and meaningless chats about anything..

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