Saturday 7th October

Had a sort of not-quite Pechy meeting today, to plan a bi-monthly youth event for young Christians that will hopefully start on the 27th of January. Went home afterwards and was sat in my bedroom when my mum knocked on the door and I sort of shouted in surprise. Disturbing similar to my occasional bizaare behaviour when I used to be a bit mental - anyway, I think this might be the first sign of an impending nervous breakdown, so I'm going to have to take some decisive action towards cutting down the things I do. God doesn't work people to death, so some of the things I'm doing are working for God rather than with him - just hard to tell which is which! At present I have (potentially - I rarely do this) a prayer meeting on Mondays, worship practise on Tuesdays, Youth on Thursdays, Rock Solid on Fridays, Pechy-related stuff every other Saturday and two church meetings on Sundays (presence required for guitar-playing) plus a 9-to-5 job, which I often finish late and learn stuff at home for. And on top of that I try to individually visit about ten friends, practise guitar, update my web site, build robots and spend time with God! So I'm starting by putting a limit of 3 meetings a week, excluding Sundays but not Pechy meetings, and I might see a friend or two in the remaining time if I feel up to it - and I'd better stick to all this or I'll make myself ill. People really should stop putting pressure on me - feels like a constant weight pressing me down with all these conflicting friends/family/church/work demands - going to talk to God about that tonight, see if he'll remove the weight for me.

Jennie G has returned (briefly) - haven't been able to see her yet, which sucks, but she should be at church tomorrow morning (or rather, this morning, as it's 1:28 a.m. on the 8th).