Wednesday 20th December

Got Kodak CD of photo's today - first time! Reckon they're quite cool - means I could in theory do my own photo's page, but I think it's nicer to have them in one place, and Phil's already got this photo album online, so I'll take them round to Phil's, first opportunity. Anyway, I don't want a photo's page - might use some of them as and when appropriate, though!

Anyway, feel closer to God than I have for quite a while - he's very nice to me! I'm off to pray before I'm too tired...I do feel a bit like apologising to everyone for having let myself slip away from God a bit for the last six months. Never got very far away (or I probably wouldn't have survived the experience) but my life's got almost settled (temporarily), most of my ambitions have died, even the emotional pain thing has kind of settled into a background ache with the odd burst of agony - basically, for the first time in my Christian life, I'm almost getting comfortable, and it's a new experience. In fact, everything is new - I think maybe this happens to everyone, we enter new stages in our lives and have to learn over again to keep our faith active. So anyway, haven't prayed for people half as much as I would like to think is normal for me - sorry about that, hoping that's changed now. I'm off to find out!

See ya!