Saturday 3rd February

Found out today that I'm apparently not doing the NLCC website anymore - surprised at how upset I feel. I think I'd got quite enthusiastic about it, had ideas and things. It is, however, perhaps better to have a website that actually gets done, than have me working on one that takes forever. Anyway, that should mean that I'll be updating Boringworld a little more - I'd been neglecting it to work on the church site. I might still negotiate for doing a Rock Solid site, anyway, which was the bit I was most interested in.

Managed to hurt my thumb rather badly while playfighting with Gary - couple of nights' sleep will probably sort it. Had fairly long chat with Kath, Gary's mum, who got me talking about God, which really cheered me up! All this stuff kind of happened last night, by the way - Friday.

Nothing much else to say, really. Off to do some web stuff!