Tuesday 3rd July

Have to be fairly quick here 'cause I have an interview at 9:00-ish this morning (it's about 12:15 a.m.). The interview's at Mansfield High School, and I'm still not sure if I'm even going to stay in this area! In some ways wouldn't mind at least trying it - not sure. Will do some last minute praying as soon as I finish this.

Had PYF weekend at Scarborough - was good, although I've seriously wrecked my glasses this time! (superglue) Wasn't as intensely spiritual as they often are, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. There was this arcade dancing machine, where you have to step on four squares in time to the music - quite innovative, and looked pretty fun - just have to hope they catch on so I can get to have a go on one sometime!

Karen's boxer puppy has now arrived. She's called Mindy, and requires insane amounts of attention, as puppies inevitably do. I'm trying to train her to not chew my fingers!

Right, seriously cut down the detail on this one - will expand on the weekend if I get round to it, but 'til then, it's bed time!

2:34 p.m.

Have had interview at Mansfield, been offered job, accepted it. So I'm definitely not going anywhere, at least in the immediate future!