Saturday 23rd September 02:15

Nearing end of September holiday - quite optimistic about going back to school. May just be that I've forgotten what it's like, though! Quite chuffed with the holidays, anyway - have made considerable progress with C++ Builder (and C++ in general), little bits of progress everywhere else (am about to test a very minor Perl program) and have cleared half the whiteboard! (Things to do list) Have nearly re-filled whiteboard again, but mainly with things that needed doing all along, which I just wasn't up to even thinking about, so it's cool really!

Need to get something clear from God about what my next move should be - especially about involvement in church stuff, 'cause there's definitely something wrong there - think I'm just doing too much, but it's knowing what to stop doing that's the problem. Better go pray about it, in fact, so I'll cut this short! G'night!