Saturday 29th September 00:20

It's the weekend from hell! Shouldn't call it that really, not an appropriate name for a weekend full of Christian activities and doing stuff for God! It's just rather full - Infuse (sort of) at Queensgate, March for Jesus & Impact, plus some last-minute preparations for Impact to keep me up too late Thursday & Friday night, and normal church services on Sunday. Pretty horrible, busyness-wise, however excellent and worthwhile the events themselves might be! But I'm really trying to stop whingeing, so I'll stop talking about it!

About the whingeing thing - I've known for a long time that complaining is a seriously bad thing - check out the bits around Exodus 16 for an almost Gods-eye-view of it, or that's how it strikes me, anyway! Have been with Phil recently, who actually almost never seems to complain, which doesn't mean he keeps checks on what he says (not that that's a bad thing) or just avoids complaining - he seems to have an attitude to life that precludes it. Anyway, I'm trying to cultivate something similar, but right now I'm just physically trying to avoid whingeing, 'cause I seem to do an awful lot of it! Definition of whingeing here......well, an example would include giving people reasons why something that's happening is especially awkward for you, even though there's nothing that can be done about it! It's non-constructive and generally just makes things worse for other people!

I think moaning is pants, anyway, and I'd like to stop.