Wednesday 3rd October 01:11

Have just read The Odyssey - was shocked to discover that, unlike The Aeneid, it's actually quite good! It's a proper story (or rather, the prose translation of it is), whereas The Aeneid is a long and tedious poem. Maybe I'm just not an inherently poetic person...

School has generally been better since the holidays, although the last two days haven't been easy. Stu & Fran presumably (hopefully!) have another sprog by now - would like to find out for definite, will endeavour to do so tomorrow! Also want to ring Gary though - there were a couple of possibilities in the air and I want to know how they went, as well as wanting to know how he's doing!

Am developing some interest in Russia - trying not to encourage it though, have quite enough hobbies as it is! I never noticed before how many cloudy nights we get around here!

Better get praying and heading bedwards...