Sunday 6th January 07:31

Well, this is one day when I won't be late for church! Had ridiculous amount of sleep Friday night, barely woke before 4 p.m. - had at least 12 hours. So I've just stayed up all night, in the (quite reasonable, I think) belief that any attempts at sleep will be met merely with insomnia. I'll almost certainly be less tired than usual anyway - will probably have to sleep this afternoon, though....

Have had really nice Christmas, many people came back to visit.....including Phil, contrary to what his web site said (he changed his mind, but not the site). Really enjoying new computer - just went through lots of my old trailers, and they run smoothly now! And Deus Ex doesn't crash! The real reason for the computer, of course, is to try and make animations for Impact - am progressing as time allows, which basically means very slowly! Will get there eventually though....

Back to school on Monday - hoping to be a bit less of a stress-head this term, but I probably won't get much chance - doubtless be throwing people out of rooms left, right and centre within 2 hours of arrival.....understandable though, I'd want to do stuff on the computers if I was at school.....

Haven't got anything really profound to say, so I'll just get back to my pain au chocolat (just had a croissant - hurrah!).