Saturday 23rd February 16:25

Hurrah! It's Saturday - the day when Things Get Done! Or when things don't, which can be even better! Planning to head up Pendle Hill at 16:30, despite still being a bit ill - I refuse to curb my activities after going into work for three days, and I've been ill for far too long and missed my Pendle expedition far too many times. So I'm going, and rather looking forward to it! It's been quite windy, so I'd better eat more than usual so I've got some extra weight to keep from being blown off the hill!

Going to do some exercises in a sec, and will do some guitar practise - have started playing lead at church, which means there's actually some serious challenge involved - will try and prepare some stuff in advance for one or two songs that we do fairly often. Hoping to memorise three Bible verses today - John 19:2-4. Not easy ones, but I intend to try - supposed to be quite good at memorising stuff, after all, so it's about time I did something potentially useful with it...want to have 10 chapters firmly in head by the end of the year, anyway, so I'd better get moving! Will do some C++ if I have time, and try to clear at least one or two items off my 'to do' list.....