Sunday 17th March 16:21

Just went to Do It All to get a replacement hacksaw, so I can (hopefully) fix a power supply. Also got this Cuttersaw thingy which I'm hoping might be more effective, 'cause a little hacksaw like the one I've got takes quite a while to cut through the casing.....why can't they just put screws in them?

Finally got some T-shirts yesterday, so I could experiment with those T-shirt transfer things, where you can print something out and stick it on a shirt. Apparently I wasn't supposed to peel the transfer bit off the backing paper before ironing - took about 2 hours to get a rather nice picture of the sun off the bottom of the iron! Good job I have a nice mum! Anyway, have new colour print cartridge, and after discussion with Phil I think I know what I'm doing! Can't try it now though, will have to be tomorrow night - need wash and a rest, so I'm running a bath! Hurrah for places where no-one will bother you! The bathroom is truly a gift of God....(not totally fair that - it's mostly my own fault that this afternoon has been busy, when I should really have been sleeping).

Forgot to mention, am dead tired after near-5 O'Clock bedtime, partly due to Karen's fiancee Phil being ill - went to get medicine, didn't get home 'til after 1:00, and still had to have shower! The rest of the hours were own fault again - largely due to bed full of stuff that needed putting away again! (This takes time when you're tired out)

Lysl gave this word thingy before her sermon this morning about the 'come unto me all ye who are heavy laden' bit, saying it wasn't just physical, it was emotional and stuff as well. Don't know if it was for me, but it definitely applies to me, so will try to take that on board and keep it there! Bath time!