Saturday 20th April 03:00

Woke a little while ago from a nice dream - or at least, the end bit was nice! It was really just me, Chrispy and Phil outside Phil's old house, deciding to get these ice cream things from a nearby shop! But it represents a whole lot of nostalgia for days gone by.....nice though it was, however, the lesson is simple - whatever situation in life you're in, enjoy it and make the most of it (speaking in doing-stuff-for-God terms especially). I have little reason to regret stuff that happened back then, but I need to make sure I don't say otherwise about this time period - which may be drawing to a close. I feel like things are changing, and there's one or two things I'd like to do before things do change....

Impact day today. Am still ill, but do feel a bit better - am still going, anyway, but will turn up later and leave a whole lot earlier! Not really up to helping people with packing/unpacking! Have reluctantly decided to use the little animation thing I've spent ages doing - I'd rather try to get it perfect for next time by upgrading my hardware a little, but may not be able to afford it anyway! And who can say what'll happen between now and then? So I'm at least going to show people the animation as it stands - just a slightly modified (oops!) Impact logo with a red and blue light going across it. But it's a start.


About to start pulling bedroom to bits for Impact. Turns out Tony Tea has made some kind of presentation thingy in Flash, so I may be able to postpone using my red-and-blue thing 'til my hardware's actually up to it! Suspect Tony's effort will be better anyway - think it's advertising the Impact website, so hopefully that's now up and running! Anyway, I'm off!