Saturday 27th April 04:31

Have now been ill and off work for two weeks. Am going back on Monday unless I get significantly worse - will just have to cope! Have broken the foot control on my heater, so it only works if you actually keep your foot on it.

Nice cheerful entry, this one!

I now have the most beardy face I've ever had - fortunately, Pete and Rachel didn't take any pictures when they came round! Pete and Rachel came round, by the way, with Jessica (naturlich). I still have to struggle to avoid ignoring Jessica completely - I think I have a problem seeing babies as human or something, due to apparent lack of personality. Will be fine once she's a toddler, of course! Think that takes about two years - I really hope my personal situation is very different by then! Not that it's bad, particularly, but I really could do with a lot of change and stuff - bit like having been dealt a set of cards, the cards have been great for a while but I really could do with a re-shuffle at some point! Although I suspect this has already started happening.....time to pray! See ya!