Sunday 10th November 15:08

Another journal entry - by popular demand! It gets quite alarming when people start complaining because you haven't been keeping your journal! So anyway, an awful lot has happened, much of which I won't be putting down. I went to London to see Gary, and also ran into Jonathan and a wonderful girl called Aleysha. Also had Caroline come up north a couple of weeks ago and went for a walk in Strid wood, where we totally lost track of time and I missed evening church! But I enjoyed it!

And that's it about the past three months, unless I think of anything I desperately want to put down. Had Gary up this weekend, went to the cinema and saw 'The 28th Day', or whatever it's called - didn't like it much. Went to a cadets military-type parade just now, which was cool - I knew about 6 or 7 people who were taking part. Daniel actually asked me to go, and Bev seconded the idea, I think. Glad I went, anyway.

The parade was on because it is, of course, remembrance Sunday. I've lost two poppies already - have officially decided that people will just have to take it as read that I care about it, because poppies just seem to vaporise off my chest or something. Did a fair bit of thinking about stuff, especially since I turned up way too early for the parade - nothing unpredictable, I just feel like praying for world peace a lot. Will probably feel like it a lot more once everyone leaves cadets and joins the actual army - wonder if there's any way to keep tabs on where people are?

On a much less serious note, today/yesterday was the first time I successfully networked at home, and the first time I connected to the internet using Linux - Mandrake 8.2 was the distro. Probably means nothing to most people, but to me it's a towering achievement! Hurrah!