Sunday 4th May 15:58

One week after what's probably my last 'proper' Easter holiday. And heaps of stuff has happened...

First, I went to London, and got a marvellous insight into the life of an actor - it's quite scary! Don't think I'll be taking it up myself, anyway - it was rather taxing, but I also got some wonderful memories - Gary dressing like the Dalai Lama in a public park is probably the favourite, but the midnight dance rehearsal on the lawn and queueing up with 150 other convicts are pretty close seconds! Also had a wonderful tour of Westminster from Alysha. And Gary bought me the same airbed as Phil, the dead comfortable automatic one, so I got some sleep this time. And I've just about got the hang of the London underground, if I can just stop jumping onto trains without checking where they're going first...

Have also made progress with my sunlight problem - went about one-and-a-half days in London before I flipped out from too much sun - but was fine before that, which is pretty cool! Came in useful when I went to see Jennie in Bradford the next week - was able to sit out in the garden with her and hold a normal (for me and Jennie) conversation for so long I actually got sunburned! First time in over a decade! And Jennie showed me a wonderful video of her and some friends drinking milk 'til they puked - I almost wish I was exaggerating... definitely interesting to watch though!

One very cool thing that's happened is the reappearance of Miri in this part of the world - have actually been getting out of the house now and then to go see her! Have been decidedly more cheerful than usual as a result - feel hopeful that things are just going to get better for a good long while from now on...

What else? Have been turned down for two jobs, including the Antarctica one, and applied for a new one this morning - am hopeful! But am going whether or not - am going to live with Phil! How cool is that? Will be closer to London too... Have decided that Jonathan's avoiding me though, because he's waiting 'til I go down to come up! :P

Shelley came into church this morning - hope she's okay, hope I get a chance to talk to her...

Oh, one last thing - Chrispy and Karen have had a baby!