Monday 6th September 04:20

Still no job. Have put in an application for a primary school, where I hope discipline wouldn't be such a problem! Mick & Michelle opened a shop a week last Saturday - have been helping out with the computers and stuff. Anne's working there now, and it all seems to be going well. Might be starting a new Microsoft course next week, if it runs on time (unlikely). Is funded by the job centre, which is nice after the £400 pounds or so I've spent trying to do it myself! Am also hopefully going to be doing an online latin course soon, only they haven't yet got back to me. Hmm...

What else is happening? Am heading down to see Phil on Thursday, right after checking the Lancashire Evening Telegraph for jobs - don't want to get in trouble with the job centre! Have been having more trouble than usual contacting Gary - hope he's alright. And has been FAR too long since I talked to Miri & Jonathan - largely my fault this time, too! Maybe I should just text Miri - was trying to call, but never seems to work.

Tony managed to overwork/overstress himself - is back now. This is why we should pray for our leaders! During his temporary absence his shoes were at least partially filled (he has big feet) by the mighty Jennie G. - was nice to have her back, however briefly! Seemed pretty brief, anyway, although by my standards a month is practically forever. You obviously just can't have enough of some people! :)

This entry's turning into a list of things that've happened - suppose that's not such a bad thing though. Our house has had the worst spider infestation ever recently - saw this huge spider at a practice with Anne, only to find another equally huge one at home! Since then have killed at least ten of these humungous spiders. Doesn't sound a lot? Am arachnaphobic enough to find one of them a serious shock to the system - one every few days is pushing it a bit too far! We assume there's a nest - we're hoping it's NEAR the house rather than IN it! Definitely a big drawback to being a messy household - a spider nest could be ANYWHERE. Unfortunately the messiest room is mine - but no spiders sighted there so far, thankfully - have had enough trouble sleeping as it is!

Mum's away on holiday - hence the upcoming trip to Phil's, my being temporarily in sole possession of the car. The remaining food in the cupboards is gradually disappearing - we have so many tins of tuna this time, I think I'm only going to need a loaf of bread for the week! Except that the margarine melted today - have put it in the fridge now, but not sure if it's fit to eat! Might have it anyway - good test of constitution! Or I suppose I could feed it to the spiders and hope it's VERY off...

Have been thinking about denominations, and wishing the ones in Colne could be more closely linked. Need to pray more - my lack of focus is irritating me! Am totally focused on God one minute, then the next my mind wanders! Probably normal, but very irritating - wish I could be more single-minded! Is amazing what potential each of us has, but is even more amazing how much is wasted.

Speaking of wasted, am dead tired - think I might try to sleep. Bet I can't. Goodnight!