Saturday 2nd April 22:47

What is a person? A person is something that possesses a personality. Some things that are not people appear to possess a personality. But they are not people - there is no consciousness there, and all they possess is a shadow of a personality in the minds of observers. So a person is not defined by perception - a personality will exist without the presence of others.

But human personalities become unstable when alone. Or do they just deviate from the social norm? Would suspect genuine instability. They are also fragile - they crumble under excessive stimulus, certainly temporarily and possibly permanently. Probably not permanently - nothing is irretrievable. Are these things related? Is the unstable-when-alone a weakness in particular personalities, or is it inherent in any personality?

Presence of Holy Spirit seems to strengthen human personality. Can eliminate the stimulus->crumbling. Unstable-when-alone, too? God's personality doesn't crumble. How does existence before creation work? Is lack of instability a function of lack of time, or presence of triune personality, or possession of something in excess of a personality (a super-personality), or simpler a stronger personality? Why create? Did it work? Can you fail with infinite power and intelligence and knowledge? Almost certainly not = creation hasn't failed. Objective not yet fully realised.

All human personalities seem to need to affect their environment. Is this a human instinct, or is it integral to the nature of personality? Most actions depend on presence, or potential presence of others for their point. Environment is primarily other people. People are sensitive to other people's opinions of them. Herd instinct? Possibly a need that would normally be filled by God - an attempt to fill it without God. That would explain why it frequently goes wrong.

What happened before? What can happen without time or space? Why create? What was the motive? What triggers a thought with no external stimulus?

How much of history has been shaped by the layout of the continents? Also other such things... weather patterns, natural occurences. Civilisations affected, but civilisations of no importance in themselves. Only things with eternal value can be part of the objective, so the objective is individuals. To do it right requires impossible-for-finite-intelligence calculations, and complete knowledge.

I wonder whether it's possible to predict the end of the world? Not exactly, just to within a few years...

Sorry if this entry was a bit weird, had thoughts going round in circles, wanted to stick them down so they wouldn't bug me so much! Suspect some of them are probably deeply stupid, but never mind!