Thursday 17th November 00:14

Sheesh! I just downloaded my e-mail backlog - 480 e-mails at once! Mostly spam, of course, but there's a fair few e-mails in there that I should've responded to weeks ago! Sorry! Am hopefully getting my life back in some sort of order - which means I should start by getting to bed!

Just for the record, I started working for Azzurri Communications back in February, the job basically involving sorting out problems for the business clients. Might elaborate sometime, but suffice to say I'm enjoying it, and am VERY glad I left Mansfield. Working in a school is just a bad idea these days.

In other news: Anne was taking Bethany and Sam out on Sunday, and I went with them. Was fun. We went to see Corpse Bride and went bowling. That evening Anne was rather ill (not entirely unusual). On Monday I was rather ill - have been off work for two days, and had a holiday booked today anyway. Has actually been a nice rest, despite not eating much! Am okay now though. Dave had a go at installing Fedora Core 3 this week - think he's been struggling connecting to his wireless network though - don't know how he's getting on.

I actually have a fair few thoughts to put down, but I should get to bed. Anyhow, it's a start, Brian!