Monday 6th February 03:47

So it's Monday, I have work in 5 hours, and I have insomnia, inevitably. Time for a journal entry. A lot has happened since Christmas, some good, some bad. Not going to go into the bad stuff, but it has led to me fighting back a fair bit - trying to get closer to God to keep my emotions under some kind of control. Have started reading my bible cover-to-cover again, only this time I'm marking off what I've read on my calendar. Which has resulted in my reading it on an almost daily basis again, something I haven't managed for a bit. Is partly because it's now obvious to me and anyone else who sees my calendar when I haven't been reading it, which isn't the best reason, but I think it helps a lot nonetheless. Have also found that fasting is incredibly effective in 'emotional storms' - am trying to make use of that more, but even if I don't manage to make it regular, it's something to keep in mind for emergencies. Am also trying to sing a little more in church, (more effective as worship) and pray more, especially in the car (job involves a lot of driving).

As for good stuff, well, I got a dance-mat for my playstation on Thursday! Am hoping it'll help me exercise more, and it's been pretty cool and fun so far. I built a computer purely for testing things out on, which will be very helpful for work, and also for keeping tabs on various Linux distros. Haven't used it much, and was very bad for my finances, but is still cool to have it. Have done a lot of stuff with switches at work - Cisco and now HP, which I've enjoyed. Am planning to go in for the CCNP Switching exam, if I ever find enough time for revision. Need to do it this year, at least, to renew my CCNA - expires in December.

And the youth group has restarted as of Friday. Am trying to get more involved this time around - got off to a good start, as I'd somehow been put down to do the games - all of them! Wonder if that was just for that night or forever? Not convinced it's a bad thing, anyway, and will certainly try my best... Am doing 'the talk' on the 24th!

Hmm... what else? Well, I have an excellent M.C.Escher calendar thingy, where you tear a sheet off every day. Is cool. And the big calendar has pictures of planets. And I have my first digital camera - am planning to take it to worship practice this week and get pictures of the '2006 worship group'. If I remember.

Might leave it there - nothing really profound to say, just really tired but can't sleep. Getting up in three hours!