Monday 19th June 00:13

So really this is about yesterday! Had a good day, had a second nearly-full night's sleep. Felt much better than usual. Did some coppering up - turns out I had something in the region of £50 lying around my desk (I'm a bit messy). Found all my remaining Bermudian currency too.

Anne pointed out (while losing things left, right and centre) that the Methodist band she's playing with are actually linked to St. John's in Colne. It's kinda scary (but also kinda nice) how quickly after I'd put yesterday's journal entry up she'd found it and read it!

Played Dave's guitar (mine being a bit too worn to play now) and realised its intonation's way out. I'm going to fix it on Tuesday, and then Stu's going to fix it after I forget. Went back to Stu and Frances's to lose to Dave at poker again. Nothing earthshaking happened, it was just a nice day!


Better get to bed. (Once I've finished my hot chocolate!)