Wednesday 6th June 23:30

It's been a while. Just to follow on from my last journal entry, my insomnia appears to have been cured completely - not that I can't have a bad night if I'm ill or emotionally distressed, but sleeping well has become normal. I'll probably never be able to get across to anyone else what a miracle that is, having had serious insomnia since early secondary school - but I'm delighted, and very impressed! I also discovered that I don't need nine hours' sleep a night as I'd always believed - I think it must have been taking me nearly an hour to drop off even on a good night, and now that I'm going straight to sleep all the time I'm pretty much okay with seven. Is REALLY good!

So on to my big excuse for being absent from my own website for so long: I finally moved into a house of my own (actually rented, but hopefully you know what I mean). I have a lovely home in Colne, and I've been hideously busy, what with my job becoming more involved, and getting used to housework (ironing takes me hours!) and suchlike. I'll probably mention stuff about it later as things occur to me. Moving on...

Lots of other things have happened - way too many to mention, really. Mick and Michelle left for America, on a pretty much permanent basis (although we're still hoping they'll come back to visit at some point). Anne more-or-less just left for a three-month youth camp thing, also in America. Seems like a seriously long time, but I'm hoping it'll be a great experience and have a really positive effect. I'm not listing anything else right now - maybe if things occur to me later. One other big change is that I'm going to be a lot more involved in the youth group (at least while Anne's away), which is moving to Fridays again, which means I'm going to need to pray a lot more! I've been trying to prepare (mostly by praying) tonight, but I need to do some more before bed, so I'd better get on with it! Busy day tomorrow (as always) and very tired - but at least writing this journal entry will make it easier to write subsequent ones. I'll upload this later. Good night! (Sort of)